In order to make the human, pet, livestock and wildlife environment habitable, to prevent disease spread and occurrence and to protect damage to food and property, we provide professional and effective pest control services.

We are specialists in multiple fields, including confined space treatment, phosphine fumigation and bird control. This is done by baiting, application of repellents and eradicative treatment against insect pests such as Termites, cockroaches, sugar ants, Bedbugs, mites, woodworms, white flies, mosquitoes, silver fish, fumigation against weevils in silos, stores and other facilities, baiting against rats, mice and moles, snakes control, treatment of pet and livestock housing against pests.

Get Rid Of Disturbing Insects And Pests

fumigation and pest control service company you can trust. Avatex Global concept takes care of your pest problems both big and small. From multinational corporations to homeowners and landlords alike, we will swiftly and effectively take care of your harmful and irritating pests. We are an innovative company at the vanguard of a new generation of pest management, where prevention is as much a solution as elimination.

Call or text us now to book an appointment with our fumigation officers:

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